Season 59, Week 5
Celes Chere
(Final Fantasy VI)
Emperor Gestahl's generals were blessed with many gifts. Superior training, the magic of espers, tutoring from the finest tacticians in the land. Celes will need all of those skills to stand toe to toe with the Profound Darkness and live. Luckily, blocking PD's elemental attacks gives Celes a fighting chance against this monster. Superior speed and healing will both be used heavily, as PD's physical attacks are unpleasant enough to make even a hardened soldier like Celes take note. Holy will certainly do plenty of damage to PD - the trick is just lasting long enough against this universe-destroying creature to use it to full effect!



Well, an opponent that can absorb magic attacks. That sure shuts down Profound Darkness completely...oh wait, no it doesn't! There's a lot to be said about the simple solutions being the correct ones. After all, who needs Megid when you can tear your opponent apart limb from limb while they fruitlessly attempt to hack away at you? Sure, Celes is a fairly formidable opponent in her own right, but this is Godlike, and "formidable" puts her pretty below average by Profound Darkness' standards. She did well to make it this far, but Celes is about to suffer what's becoming a sad, sad routine for her in early exit.

"I told you Runic'd be useless."


"But nooo, who didn't listen? You didn't listen!"


"You're always so stubborn. Should've listened to me from the start!"

Celes lost the match against Profound Darkness. It was a pretty clear cut victory for the latter, too - the mage knight surroundered halfway the fight when she realised she just couldn't harm Profound Darkness well-enough.

Well, at least she could harm Sabin well enough, so Celes'll be okay.

Celes Chere: 9
Profound Darkness: 26