Season 59, Week 2
(Shadow Hearts: From the New World)
The Patriarch has a problem. For all his religious followers and personal power, he is just a frail man, weak and advancing in mortal age quite rapidly. And this week... this week, he is a frail man facing down a very angry and monstrously powerful Lady, and the church has never been quite so good at dealing with the wrath of a Lady scorned. Lady's foe is, additionally, best known for being physically frail, a fact that will prove quite painful before Lady's massive physical stock combos. Add in the fact that his dreaded status attacks are of no threat to the hauntingly beautiful manifestation of Malice, and you have a recipe for a very dead old man. Lady's newest godlike rampage starts right here and right now.



An insane creature of Malice? Sounds like someone called for an exorcist! He may be getting a bit up in his years, but the Patriarch's Aura-elemental beatdown is here to save the day. The Patriarch shrugs off most elements like water on a duck, and a good portion of Lady's uber-combo just so happens to be elemental magic. Gravestone Lock can seal Lady's Boost to stop any future D-Combos after Patriarch tanks the first one, too. After that, it's just Death to the Wicked, Invitation to Death, and Rite of Initiation to smash Lady into a fine pulp. The Patriarch can even try out his UMN Phase Transfer Cannon toy to finish the job! The Ormus Church has a holy upset well in hands here, as befitting the Patriarch.

Lady: 22
Patriarch Sergius XVII: 3