Season 57, Week 4
Isolde Schelling
(Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis)
A victory over Fou-Lu might just be a feather in Isolde's cap par with a championship, but just because she accomplished that doesn't mean she's just going to quit now! At least Fou-Lu was an honorable and respectful opponent - her foe this round is anything but! Memorable mysogynist Virgil is the exact opposite of Fou, but that will only work to help Isolde. Not that she really needs to rely on being underestimated. With great damage in moves like Sword Creation and Gravity Burst will give Virgil pause and he'll have great trouble dealing with her durability. Indeed, it'll be a harsh lesson in gender equality for the Blue Testament.



So that teacher tramp managed to win? Well, that'll make things a bit easier on Virgil this round. He was expecting to have to fight Fou-frikkin'-lu, after all. Somehow "schoolmarm" isn't quite as threatening as "immortal dragon god-emperor." But even if this is better then what he was anticipating, it's still not going to be easy. Isolde and her status immunities will be an uphill battle for the best PC killer out there, but don't count him out just yet. With two forms to fight with and the remarkably strong Eternal Storm at his disposal, he's still got a shot at taking down even this opponent and getting one more chance at the title.

Virgil learned a lot in his unlife.
Shion was an even bigger idiot than he imagined.
Those who rule the universe are largely douches interesting in seeing people suffer over and again.
There really are no therapists.
And most importantly, that sometimes the best move is to look ahead, see the incoming trainwreck, and exit stage left at the middle of the story.
What was this trainwreck? Well, considering that the winner of his match gets to face the undisputed Lord of the Tentacle Monsters in the finals? I think we can all take a good guess at the general shape of the carnage.

Isolde Schelling: 20
Luis Virgil: 4

Lezard Valeth
"Can we please stop having these bizzare matches," Nina (2nd) complained. "It's okay for the first time but this is getting out of hand."

In front of him is the usual baseball match involving Isolde, her mana as the bat and virgil as the ball.

".....," Ryu(2nd) noded in agreement.

"Do you want us to stop them?, Mika ask Ryu."

"......," Ryu said.

"Oh okay, after the match is done".

The next day, Isolde was found naked and beaten black and blue. Everybody suspects that Mika and Grave were behind this incident but none can prove it.

As for Virgil? He was grinning ear to ear when he read the news at the DL infirmary.