Season 6, Week 4
(Xenosaga Series)
So far, Light's highest naturally ranked fighter has proven exactly why he's just that. Having bested a mage and a fighter in the previous weeks, he now moves on to fight a hybrid between the two. chaos' high magical defense will keep Futch's Lightning Rune from posing a problem, and his overall good stats and minimal healing will keep him in the battle much longer than his opponent. Fighting an uphill battle with the odds against him, Futch will have no choice but to submit to the mightier yaoi-boy in this match.



Futch faces a mage-killer this week. This is a good thing for him, since despite his only middling strength, and the powerful Lightning Rune that he picked up for his stint in Suikoden 3, Futch is still a fighter at heart. With the greatsword Murasame he inherited from his friend Humphrey, Futch can strike two hard slashes with each attack, and if he presses his offence he should be able to overwhelm chaos in a close-fought match.

Hunter Sopko
Futch is a normal Suikoden bishie. However, that means that he is far underdressed for chaos' Arctic Blast.

chaos: 19
Futch: 1