Season 57, Week 2
Cloud of Darkness
(Final Fantasy III)
The great summoned cumulus destroyer comes forth from the void to bring upon the world a curse of darkness. Particle Beam heads the powerful offense of the great Cloud of Darkness, and supporting the deadly energy weapon, it brings along a terrible mind and body altering gas, one that none save the mightiest of creatures can tolerate. The two tentacles of evil control deadly electrical storms; that cements this victory in the hands of the vast evil incarnate in the stratosphere. And what of this poor woman's chances to achieve victory against such a being? Knives versus air? Preposterous. A pitiful showing, and one that Nel will relive in her fall!



By the holy maiden of Apris... what is this evil that Nel feels? Crawling down her skin as this nebulous cloud of destruction approaches... well, whatever it is it will soon feel the pain of her blade, as she fights for what is right and just. With divine grace, Nel will deliver ultimate judgment with the force of her slicing and dicing Mirror Slice, cleaving apart the clouds with speed unmatched and ending this fight before danger befalls her. With her draw of equipment and her healing techs, she'll also remain fighting fit against anything the darkness has to throw at her, allowing victory to remain steadily within her grasp. Mission accomplished for the warrior maiden!

Nel vs Cloud of Darkness, a match up from some disturbing otaku's wet dreams. I have to give the nod to Cloud of Darkness though, her quasi-snake whip things are both deadly and made for disrobing scantily clad heroines all the world over.

Cloud of Darkness: 31
Nel Zelpher: 8

Tylor H
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Back in season 1, the rule was established that however promising, magical action girls just can't beat the power of tentacles. The change? Now you've got tentacles in matches without any guys.