Season 57, Week 1
(Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals)
For all of Artea's successes in the arena and in his home world, true glory eludes him. Twice Artea's gone to the finals, and twice he has been defeated and denied an upgrade to Godlike. The only way to solve that problem is win a Heavy championship and ascend to Godlike. There isn't much in Heavy that can stop Artea from meeting that lofty goal. Shu isn't up for that task - the ninja slash machine gunner specializes in physical combat. The only thing more inept than his magical damage is his ability to take a spell; making Artea's speedy magical attacks something Shu greatly fears. If Artea does take damage, he can just heal back to full with a single use of Champion, and build up his IP bar. But his countless limit attacks from his IP bar won't even be needed here, as a few uses of Zap are more than enough to crush Shu beneath his delicate elven feet.



Swords might generally be superior to guns in the world of swords and sorcery, Shu's going to prove that wrong today. Shu is ready to prove that guns are just as powerful, if not more powerful, than puny bows and swords and magic. Just as fast as the elf (he's a NINJA, after all), Shu's multiple disabling guns will prove to be more than Artea can handle. Whether it's a bunch of disabling bullets that will silence, poison, confuse, sleep or even blind Artea, or shells that reduce Artea's speed, resilience, or offense, Shu has all the options he needs for this. Plus his own powerful unique abilities outside of weapons - whether boosting his own agility, dropping a time bomb, or just pumping Artea full of bullets, Shu will reign supreme. Elves, magic - all are inferior to the power of ninjas and technology - as Shu will prove. With. His. Boomstick!


What's the one thing a ninja can't beat? I dunno, but I do know that Shu won't like taking holy magic in the face while Artea heals away every blow he hits. So imagine Shu chipping away as Artea heals, buying time until a huge blast of light turns Shu into a pile of ashes. That's the bad thing about ninjas: When they go down they go down hard.

Artea: 29
Shu: 6