The Wyrm and the Queen
~Lezard Valeth

It had to happen sometime. A new arena is built to accommodate an unusually destructive unranked duellists match. Due to the amount of firepower the contestant possesses the management decides to construct the stadium from some of the strongest material in the universe such as Adamantin and Mythril. Somewhat unorthodox normally but when one considers that this arena is meant for contestants who can't be judged due to their strength its understandable.

This match is best described as 'destructive.' The two contestants are legendary dying superdragon Ryu 5 from Breath of Fire 5 and legendary superboss Ethereal/ Iseria Queen from Tri-Ace's games.

Both are known for their power. Ryu 5's nigh invincibility and deadly dragon breath face off against the Ethereal Queen's party-slaying Cosmic Spears. Needless to say both are eager to prove which one of them is superior.


"So why have you decided to host this now, Nate?"

"Well, Chisato when you have some of them suddenly appearing at your office demanding this kind of match you can see how this match will generate a very handsome profit", Nate replied.

To this Chisato replied, "You mean threatening to de-atomize you?"
"Oh, hush."

"And we won't get even a cent of it right?"

"Well, you're a janitor Odin. Why should I pay you even a dime? Enough of this; just go cover the match, will you, Chisato? Oh, and Odin?" asked Nate.

"Yes boss."

"Use Gungnir instead of the usual mop. I have a feeling it will be a very bloody mess."

  • Ryu 5 incinerates both the Queen, and then incinerates her corpse for fun after.
  • The Ethereal Queen shows who's in charge.

The Ethereal Queen strove with all her might, struggled and roared valiantly.

And received a massively amped Hurricane to the face for her troubles, knocking her out instantly.


"...his world has used..." Emma started, holding back laughter.
"...Dragons as fossil fuels..." Lucca said, her face twisted in disgust.
" it's no surprise that Hurricane..." Myria murmured.
" just some bad gas." Ryudo concluded, frowning. "Well. That's all I needed to see - and smell - today. Jeez, smelling it from a mile away."

A thoughtful silence fell over the four, before Myria raised her voice.

"Who's in for some bean tacos?"

Ryu: 21
Ethereal Queen: 13

Lezard Valeth

The match between Ryu 5 and Ethereal Queen goes off and as predicted both utilizes all their world destroying abilities to the max and the stadium were feeling the effect of it.

Halfway through the match Ryu got an opening and unleashes all his power on the Queen just before his D-counter went up and incinerates her to a crisp.

True he died but at least he killed the queen before he bites the dust.

Jo\'ou Ranbu
You know, now I have the image of Ethereal Queen unleashing Empress' Massacre with a mop on a poor dragon boy. And, somehow, this image amuses me far more than any other result in that fight should.