Season 56, Week 1
(Mega Man X: Command Mission)
Now the real fun starts! The lovable rogue Reploid Marino is ready to put up a good show this time after a very unkind DL debut against the goddess Myria. But hey, while she has to face -another- godlike entity this time around, Millennia is quite far removed from Myria. For starters, where Myria had insurmountable durability and velocity, the snarky devil Millennia is actually pretty squishy and slow. As such, Marino's Quicksilver and high-profile ninja skills will get to play! A few Mirage Dives will end Millennia pretty fast, that's for sure, and she won't even get the time to charge a Spellbinding Eye to stop Marino flat. The cool thief will win this, no problemo!



Oh my, what do we have here? Some newbie ninja robot seeking to displace the Wings of Valmar's place in Godlike, stealing a win from under her nose? Hah! As if Millenia's going to let some upstart thief get the better of her. Oh sure, Marino's faster than a ballet on speed or a hedgehog after his food or nemesis or however you want to phrase it, but all the speed in the world is completely and utterly useless when you're left Spellbound before the Eyes of Valmar. A few Grudging Claws will handle things from there, as they rip through the immobile Reploid's surprisingly frail frame and reduce her to a pile of scrap metal for the janitorial crew to clean up.


Every single match against the Wings of Valmar comes down to speed. If you can stop Millenia before she unloads a Spellbinding Eye and slaughters you where you stand?

Marino is as fast as the tropical sunset, as swift as a fading footstep, as quick as a glint of light. Far quicker than Millenia can handle, once she goes Quicksilver and destroys Millenia with a speedy, deadly combo.

Marino: 23
Millenia: 12