Season 6, Week 3
(Xenosaga Series)
Albedo must be laughing. Fei was a decent opponent that played to his weaknesses, but Albedo was able to pull off a close win. This week, Albedo fights an opponent that plays to his strengths instead of weaknesses. Deis is a mage at heart, and Albedo's elemental defenses, coupled with his good magic defense, will allow him to take the full brunt of her assaults without flinching. Combined with his excellent parasitic healing and powerful EP draining techniques, this should be an easy match for the Pedo to win.



Deis, after beating the original DL champ, comes into a somewhat harder match this week. Her foe possesses the ability to drain HP, matches her in speed and can boost his own while her own speed boosting spell doesn't work right, and worse yet can inflict confuse upon her. Luckily for Deis, his moves all are magical and that's what Deis is best for. With his Low HP and Defense and her Atk Up spell, she might be able to pound him into oblivion. With some luck, the blue haired Sorcerress could sneak out a win and perhaps shows us why Albedo only hits on woman younger than he is.

Might? Magic? Plain old perversion?

Though might and magic are amazing weapons, it cannot be denied that perversion has caused more damage than anything. I mean, how many lawsuits have been brought up on account of perverted acts? Magic, might...they haven't spawned anything too bad. I mean, lawyers are infinitely more evil than the wars and murders that might and magic can spawn. Hence, the master of perverted acts, Albedo himself, beats plain old magical Deis.

Albedo: 10
Deis: 1