Season 54, Week 3
(Lunar 2: Eternal Blue)
This hardly seems fair. Jean, lethal assassin and master of martial arts trained by Lunn himself, against a schoolgirl? Even when you consider that Renee's armed while Jean fights barehanded, it's not exactly sporting. But you never know when a fight's going to be unfair in the other side's favor, so she might as well enjoy the easy ride while she's got one, no? Renee's got a rather impressive defense for someone so young, but she's up against more than just physical attacks. Jean's Slam Dance lets her strike twice as quickly as her opponent, and that's before you factor in her prodigious speed. And then you get to the paralysis effect of Butterfly dance, which Renee has no defense against at all, and things start getting ugly.



Jean may be quick, but her parlor tricks are useless against Renee. Her school uniform provides protection unmatched by the heaviest armor, meaning that Jean's puny little punches will make little impact on the resilient student. Even without her Azureflame Mana, Renee's punishing Girl Power!!! attacks can crush anyone, and a Full Power Blade is even more deadly when it hits its mark. Backed up by the fiery offense of Azureflame, there's little that can stand Renee's way. Get ready, pigs - womankind isn't going to stand by and be degraded any longer! That is...if Renee actually gets to fight someone of the opposite sex this season. It does kind of suck to beat up on your own kind, but what can you do? A victory is a victory.

"Okay, now turn up your chest like... so! Yeah, you've got it!" Jean encouraged. "Just the right amount of cleavage showing, too. Excellent!"

"...this is the most humiliating thing ever..." Tony muttered.

*WHACK* "Ow!"

Renee snorted, putting the sword back over her shoulder as Tony rubbed his backside.

"Stop complaining. You were the one that lost the bet with Jean - be glad she's going this easy on you." Renee yawned, before frowning. "Hey, Jean. What was he asking you to do if he won the bet?"

"Surrender the match." Jean said cheerfully. "Oh, yes, you're a natural, Tony! Now, just hold the fans out a bit higher... Yeah, to give up the match."

Renee stood for a moment, before looking to Tony. "That's so sweet!"

"Isn't it, though?" Jean nodded happily.

"I don't know if I should thank you or kill you!"

"... or kill him?" Jean tilted her head, as Tony began sweating.

"Yeah. I was looking forward to our fight - heard a lot of good things about you. Kinda annoying that he'd do that without my permission, you know? Also, stand up straight, Tony!" Renee grinned.

*WHACK* "Ow!"

"Huh. Yeah, that's a good point. But, honestly? I kinda figured that Mana was pretty much game over for me." Jean replied. "So I already surrendered the match. Was gonna tell you earlier, but then I won the bet and kinda figured I'd wait until I had you witness this."

"Fair. ...He does look good in a tutu, doesn't he?"

"You two are total evil." Tony muttered under his breath.

*WHACK* "Owwww!"

"I heard that." Jean replied casually, cracking her knuckles as Tony fell to his knees. "But hey, if you were looking forward to the fight, wanna have a casual spar? 's how I prefer my matches anyway."

"Heh, sounds good." Renee grinned lazily. "How long's he gonna stay like this?"

"A week. He's my cabana boy. Of course, I'm perfectly willing to share with you." Jean chuckled.

"Oooh, you do know how to make me smile!"

Tony looked up queasily from his spot on the floor. "...Total evil."


Jean: 11
Renee Kearse: 23