Season 54, Week 2
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Revenge shall be sweet. Jibril enters the arena and who does he face in his first match? A female android just like Demi who defeated him in the Middle finals years ago. However, despite whatever similarities Tio may have to Demi, there is one thing that seperates the two, battle power. Whereas Demi just won the heavy championship, Tio has never made it past the second round of Middle. She can try to enhance her abilities with Whisper of the Stars or attempt to harm him with Fast Dance Whirl, but that's not going to stop Jibril's infamously deadly gut. Fancy moves are no substitute for the power of a bottomless stomache and when Jibril devours her he's going to discover just how delightful vengeance tastes!



Robot dancer. This image might conjure up some pretty inappropriate imagery being from Japan, but Tio is quite the proper lady. She's got a sharp dress sense and even hits the gym a couple times a week, despite being a robot. Meanwhile, Jibril's apparently been hitting nothing but the donuts. Have you seen his gut lately? I mean, he could probably fit a black hole in there or something. Either way, Tio will be dancing circles around him, moving like a swift lotus bloom in the spring breezes. Combine that with her ability to cancel out his actions and she's got a heck of a strategy to inflict upon the hapless Wiseman. And of course, Tio's subsequent hop, skip and jump to her eventual Middle championship will be quite the sight to see!

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
In reference to Jibril, I feel it is only appropriate to use this to express my feelings about his match up against Tio within the Middle bracket of the RPG Dueling League's current season:

Nom Nom Nom.

That is all.

Jibril: 23
Tio: 18