Season 6, Week 2
Alys Brangwin
(Phantasy Star 4)
After completely dominating last season's Middle field, Alys Brangwin finds herself facing her first challenge in the RPGDL - in fact, a judge's ruling may be all that separates victory and defeat for her! Outdamaged, outhealed, and possibly even outsped by her opponent, her only hope in this match lies in a quick win with her Death skill. That's why she prays Artea won't be allowed to equip an expensive and casino-bought Bunny Ring for Death immunity - her middling offense can't hope to compete against Lufia II's most damaging character.



Artea is up against a extremely easy opponent this week. His magic out damages Alys' Vortex easily, and Alys doesn't have a prayer of killing him in two hits with his high defense, meaning that he can simply heal any damage done. Even Artea's speed is comparable to Alys, a rare thing indeed. Not to mention that he also has instant death immunity. Now all Artea has to hope for is that no one notices the small bunny rabbit on his ring, and realize the source of his instant death protection is an expensive piece of equipment that he had to buy from a casino...

Confident in his belief that Bunny Ring was a legal piece of equipment, Artea faced Alys without fear. After all, the ring was the key to this match. And he was right.

One problem - it was the one thing that would lose him the match.

Not one to get cocky, Artea simply began his attack physically, leaving Alys wounded before she could cast Death, and miss.

"Oh dear, that's not good," said Alys quietly. Quickly trying to figure out the quickest way to escape from the arena, she took up a defensive posture as Artea went for the kill with Zap... only to stop. He had heard something from outside the arena. It was faint, but still coherent.

"Yoo-hoo! Barney!"

Unwillingly, Artea found his hand being tugged towards the voice. As his eyes widened in shock, Alys could only stare.

It continued. "Come here Barney!" "Hey Barney!"

At this point, Artea was slowly being dragged along the arena floor. He pawed at the ring, trying to take it off, but then he got a glimpse of Alys, smiling wickedly. She had surmised that the ring had stopped her first instant death attack, and as soon as it was off, it wouldn't stop a second.

"Barney! Get over here!"

The ring could resist it no longer. Throwing Arty with it, it flew through the air to outside the arena, where Claude and company were trying to hitch a ride. "My precious!"

Alys Brangwin: 11
Artea: 10

Sage Arcin
*Alys Brangwin walks calmly into the arena, as a impatient Artea stands waiting, spear in hand.*

Artea: "Where in the name of Zophar have you been? The match was delayed 30 minutes because of you!"

Alys: "Oh, just making some arrangements."

*Artea starts to make a angry retort, but is cut short by the announcer telling both sides to get ready for the start of the match.*

*The announcer calls out to start the match. Alys, with deadly speed, pulls out a silvery Slasher and aims it at Artea's throat.*

Alys: *Laughing.* "Let's see how well you handle this!"

*Alys launches the Slasher...only to have Artea calmly snatch it out of the air. Total silence fills the arena, except for one sound..*

Alys: *Still laughing.*

Artea: "What's so fu..."

*A loud ringing sound is heard throughout the arena. In a flash, Artea is kneeling on the ground, clenching his hand in pain.*


Alys: "That was my arrangement. I had figured you'd try something like trying to get illegal equipment in, like that silly Bunny Ring. So, I had a little talk with the judges, and they agreed to let me handle it my own way."

"With a little help from Meliadoul, of course.", she adds, waving to a blond-haired woman in the stands.

*Alys proceeds to pull out her second Slasher.*

Artea: "But...why not just have the match called?"

*Alys throws the Slasher, sending Artea into oblivion.*

*Alys walks over to stand over Artea.*

Alys: "Because it wouldn't have been as fun."

Alys came in, thinking she could win this fight the way she trounced through middle. A simple death spell was all she needed, no biggy, right?

Yes, considering Artea, surrendering to his affeminite side, came in dressed like a bunny.

Alys wondered what kind of Strategy this is, and after feeling Artea's opening Fry spell, she used Death on him...

Strange, somehow, this Bunny form made him immune that attack. But that makes no sense, how is a simple bunny costume superior to her mighty trick?

Well, whatever the reason, Alys was still pondering it while she was nuked to death with Artea's follow up Fry spell.

Artea is immune to ID. Artea has healing. Artea badly outdamages Alys. Nothing else needs to be said.