Season 6, Week 2
(Xenosaga Series)
Albedo is going to have his hands full with Fei this match. Demonic Gaze will come in very useful, allowing him to doubleturn Fei at a regular interval. His HP Drain attack will also allow him to heal some of the damage he takes from Yamikei. And if Fei slips up, Albedo can use that opportunity to boost his Ether Attack and paste the Contact with Fallen Angel.



Fei may lack variety and finesse, but that doesn't really matter when he has Yamikei. Coupled with his respectable speed, Fei should be able to put Albedo down for the count with relative quickness with nothing but spammed Yamikei attacks.

Fei, thanks to his screwed up memories, sometimes thinks of himself as a child. And while he doesn't think of himself as a little girl, he does have an innate fear of Albedo simply because even a little boy Fei could be mistaken for a homely little girl.
Thus, Fei never even shows up to the match, instead choosing to quiver uncontrollably in Elly's arms over his quaking fear.

Albedo: 10
Fei Fong Wong: 6

"Mwahahahaha!" Albedo laughed as he fired another Fallen Angel at Fei, who barely managed to get out of the way "What's the matter, you little contact, too afraid to fight me?"
"I told you, I hate Fighting..." and under his breath he followed up with "and gears"
"Well, if you don't fight, you might as well just admit defeat, or you could just let me kill you. I'll be satisfied either way. Hahaha!" Albedo chuckled
"Well...I haven't been beaten yet. I have one trick up my sleeve..." with that, Fei grabbed 'Porta Canvas' and within a manner of minutes, drew a full portrait of ALbedo in all his glory.

"What's this? You've captured my very esscence! Its magnificent!"

"You can have it, if you do me one favor"

"Oh, what is that?"

"Take one step back, will you?"

"Is that all? Very well" Albedo took his step back...not realizing he was standing right at the exact edge of the Arena, all those Fallen Angel blasts had pushed him back that far. Upon taking that step back, and not noticing, he tripped, and fell right out of the arena

"Well, looks like I's your painting"

"What? Outsmarted by the like of you? That can't be!" Albedo shouted, breaking into laughter, while Fei walked off ready to prepare for the next round.

The door to Albedo's apartment opened, and an inorganic lifeform walked through hesitantly.

"Ah, if it isn't Ma Peche. How good of you to finally submit to me," said Albedo as he looked out his window. Turning to face MOMO...

"Hey! You're not Ma Pec..." Albedo's statement slowly faded away as he found himself being blown away by an Anemo Omega attack.

Outside, Emerelda waved to Fei. "That's my girl," he said with a smile, as he advanced without having to fight.