Season 53, Week 3
Nash Rumack
(Lunar: Silver Star Story)
What's that? A boss? Well, that's the end of this run. Nash is screwed. There's no way he could possibly win against a boss, with complete status immunities and... wait, what's that? Nash is up against a FFT boss? The ones that don't have immunity to all statuses? Well, now this is promising. And it gets better - as a quick look at the boss in question will show, Lede isn't immune to paralysis, one of the Nash's many accurate status tricks. Well well well, now things have gotten interesting! All he has to do is beat out Lede in a quick-draw battle of status whores, then finish her off with lightning spells while she's helpless. If he loses that first strike, it'll be a very short fight, of course, but with his speed, this should be a piece of cake.



Nash's cantrips may have gotten him far enough to face Mesdoram Elmdor's death seamstress, but his parlor tricks will carry his carcass no further. Lede will show him how a true murderer shuts down her targets: in a single, ruthless strike. Lede can destroy Nash with any of her skills: Stop Breath will stop that bothersome blabbermouth from breathing outright, but if she feels like being a bit bloodier, her ninja knives will work their magic, shredding that idiot into ribbons at the speed of light. Turning people into stone may have its own novelty factor, but Lede is about to show Nash Rumack how a competent assassin works - and it involves no fancy fireworks. Only a precise stab to the heart... at its flashiest.


"So. This is a speedoff." Nash murmured, low.

"Indeed, child. Any last words?" Lede nodded solemnly.

"No. Let this commence."

At this, both sprinted toward their target.

Sadly, Nash miscalculated, and barely missed his stone spell...

on Barinten as Lede ducked in, grabbing Barinten and throwing him out of the arena. "Almost, child. You've got potential. We'll teach you more next week."

Nash shook his head, but then smiled at Lede and left, a happy loser.

Hey, he didn't have to die here. A relative win is still a win.

Nash Rumack: 23
Lede: 31