Season 53, Week 3
(Grandia 3)
Love and compassion have no place in this world, and defenders of cheese will be ripped in half by the might of the villainous evil Xorn!And what is more detestable than a MAGICAL GIRL, a horrendous being who wears tutus and tosses hearts at the - wait a minute, Magical EMPEROR Ghaleon. Ahem. Regardless, Xorn will shred the ambitious emperor with ease. The speed split between Ghaleon and the evil god is truly insurmountable, with Xorn literally blazing trails against the Magical Emperor, and while Ghaleon is rather durable, Xorn himself is no slouch, and as soon as Death Knell unlocks, Ghaleon will find himself torn in ribbons before he knows it. The god of emo shall feast tonight!



Spare Ghaleon the angst. He is -not- in the mood for Xorn's whiny, pitiful wallowing. All that stands between him and a chance to inflict unspeakable harm on his rival TimeLord is this tenacled, giant eyed mass of pathetic that takes the shape of a final boss. Ghaleon won't waste time - certainly, he can't afford to do so against someone as fast as Xorn. Ghaleon may be outsped, but he's never outgunned and this fight is no exception. Chaos Shield and the usual blistering, unrelenting offense will serve him well here - Xorn won't be able to get much use out of Death Knell with Chaos Shield in play. It's time for Xorn to die, and for the Magic Emperor to settle some very overdue debts with a certain Mystic!

"LOVE AND HOPE AND COURAGE AND BEAUTY HAVE NO PLACE IN MY WORLD! THIS FOOL THAT THINKS HE'S SOME KIND OF BEAUTIFUL DEFENDER OF JUSTICE MUST BE PURGED FROM MY EXISTENCE!" Xorn's loud cry could be heard throughout the league, as he prepared for battle against the things he hated most.

"..." "Something wrong?" Xenobia asked, a worried frown fleeting across her face, as Ghaleon, his face as hard as an anvil, looked out at the arena.

" hell with it, I'm going to wait until they at least come a little down off the Magical Girl Ghaleon obsession kick." Ghaleon sighed. "You have a few horrible sessions with brainwashing and no one lets you forget it. Let's go find a hot tub, and make sure Royce brings her snake." Ghaleon sighed, as he walked away from the arena, leaving the still-raving Xorn the victor.

"You know, you have to hand it to him. A lot of men, between his general appearance and the brainwashing, might be questioning their sexuality." Xenobia noted quietly to herself, with a grin, as she followed after him.

Xorn: 26
Ghaleon: 16