Season 53, Week 3
Jenna Angel
(Digital Devil Saga)
The Mystics. A race renowned for their power, culture, refinement, and very... strange tastes in relationships. But even a mystic would be uncomfortable with Jenna Angel's confusing status. Timelord, a Mystic Lord of great power, is bound to be dazzled by Jenna's disconcertingly dual nature. While Jenna can't prevent the mindbending, though, the greatest of the flesh eating demons can certainly wash it away with massive amounts of pain. Timelord's Overdrive skill is to be feared, but the end result will merely be that Jenna switches from one form to the next and introduces the foolish man to the wicked power of Bhairava. A pretty straightforward conclusion offered by one who is anything but simple.



Tick tick tick... time's running out for Miss Angel. The mystic lord responsible for crimes against Magical Emperors and who claims mastery over time knows how to deal with high Godlike females. Jenna's offense is impressively scary, truly worthy of a champion. That does her no good against someone who can control when and how she gets a turn, though. Time Ecilpse to lower speed, Time Leap to skip Jenna's turns outright, OverDrive to splatter as soon as she's in the danger range. The power of Anima will never be unsealed with TL setting the tone and tempo of the fight. He'll be carefully picking his spots and then obliterating her. Now, if he can just do something to prevent Ghaleon from winning this week...

Timelord drew the short straw and fights Jenna Angel oh well sucks to be him

Jenna Angel: 27
TimeLord: 12