Season 53, Week 2
(Chrono Cross)
While being related to Dario of the Acacia Dragoons was a great honor in his own continuity, Glenn has had to deal with many hardships due to his blood ties. After seeing his brother booted from the Duelling League, he's worked twice as hard to be ready to prove his worth, and now he finally has a chance. The assassin Lede may be feared as a brutal status whore, but her terrible durability will prove to be her undeniable undoing here: with his Einlanzer, Glenn will handle Lede with a single Dash & Gash chain, staving away her threat for good. After that, maybe Glenn will begin building an actual battle record for his line's honor.



Oh look, it's a PC. Against Lede. Do we even need to spell out how this is going to go, or have we danced this dance enough in the past? Oh, you want us to spell it out? Okay, here goes. Lede is fast enough to get the drop on poor little Glenn. Then she gets to use her choice of perfect accuracy fatal status attacks to win the fight instantly. Of course, she could always just kill him the old fashioned way with overkill damage from her physical attacks if she wanted to as well. This is simply as one sided as fights get, and if Heavy doesn't give her something a little more challenging, Lede will be strolling her way to another easy title.


"Beware demon assassin, and prepare for defeat." Glenn intoned as he readied his blades "Your dreaded Stop Breath attack shall be of no use here for I, Glenn, had trained to hold my breath for ten minutes!"

Nodding, Lede Shadow Stitched Glenn in place, struck his chest using her Stop Breath technique, then pulled out a book to wait out ten minutes and one second.

Glenn: 10
Lede: 49