Season 53, Week 2
(SaGa Frontier)
A new division, a new bevy of people to charm, as they say. The half-Mystic Asellus may be quite bold in her current proposition - after all, bringing down the Magical Emperor is a feat very few have managed, and Ghaleon is known for giving rather unforgiving welcomes to Heavy upgradees. But this is something a few sprinkles of Mystic Magic can't fix, right? And, if Ghaleon proves exceptionally resistant, Asellus' blade and Mystic Blood will do the talking: after transforming, Asellus will have both the raw strength and the skills to handle anything Ghaleon can muster - even his Chaos Shield and Fate Storm. Time to turn that Godlike welcome upside down!



Time. To. Die. The Magic Emperor has once again been given a pathetic opponent to fight in this season's opening, but that doesn't mean he's not going to make it a less than spectacular fight. A single Chaos Shield will block everything the Mystic-freak throws at him without a single care in the world, and while his patented Fate Storm is out of play here thanks to the BloodChalice, a full on offensive with his quite deadly sword attacks backed by the draining power of his Syphon Soul will be more than enough to oust this pest from Godlike and propel her back to her rightful place. Only the truly worthy belong here - and the Mystic Girl is not one of them.

In the Godlike arenas, if you strain your ears a bit, you could almost hear a light tap tap tap as Ghaleon impatiently waited for his opponent while a growing murmur spread amongst the guys in the audience.

"And that's time. Ghaleon wins thanks to a no-show" Chaos sighed. "Bah, figures the one time I referee, the newbie Godlike chickens out of her ceremonial beating."

Sighing at what turned out to be a waste of time, Ghaleon teleported his way out of the arena as a roar of boos started from the more rowdy and suicidal of men in the audience. He wondered where his opponent went.

He also wondered where the females that usually made up a good chunk of his audience went.

Asellus: 9
Ghaleon: 36