Season 53, Week 2
Nel Zelpher
(Star Ocean: Till the End of Time)
Well, this is quite a predictament that Nel finds herself in? She’s certainly faced some tough creatures, but never one so powerful by herself! Of course, a soldier never backs down, and Nel’s also gotten out of some pretty dangerous situations too. Her hope her is that since Xorn’s damage is lackluster at the start, Nel can chip and then blast him away with a full combo. Her own good speed should at least slightly mitigate Xorn’s damage lead, and she can at least halve his magic and block his status. It won’t be an easy match, but the DL premier ninja will surely go down swinging.



LOVE HAS NO...ah. You know, all that depression and hate has gotten old. Really, really old. Maybe a new look is in order? NEL SHALL SOON KNOW THE LOVE, COMPASSION, AND WARMTH OF XORN THE OMNIPOTENT. It has a nice ring to it, and after this fight, Nel's going to be praying Xorn's up for giving hugs - his extreme speed, powerful attacks, and quite unique tricks will be more than enough to crush the puny little Aquarian right here. And really, this combat briefing is getting sad to continue with, which isn't part of Xorn's new image. Thusly, PRETTY KITTIES AND BUNNIES FOR ALL!

"HUGS AND FLUFFY KITTENS FOR ALL!" Xorn's new campaign, recommended by his PR agent, had taken everyone by surprise. Most of all, his current opponent Nel.

...who was buried in a pile of magically conjured kittens before she could move. Unable to fight, the win went to Xorn.

...alas, the time after the match during which he tried to follow up on his promise of hugs was the fastest thing to empty the Arena seats since drunk naked dancing Brahne had broken in.

Nel Zelpher: 9
Xorn: 32