Season 51, Week 3
(Shining Force)
Domingo is a true gentlemollusk. He keeps his tentacles to himself, and would turn the first pervert who made a tired TRM joke to either him or Kyra into a block of ice. He's such an upstanding citizen that he'll focus on Desoul and not anything more foul. Miss Kyra appreciates such a gesture, and as a Sailor Mercury lookalike, has endured more than enough of such nonsense in her time in the arena. It'll be instant death racing against Kyra's weak attack magic and excellent healing, a true test of Domingo's mettle. He should be able to best Kyra thanks to stellar defense and good staying power in general. If not, he and Kyra can go beat the hell out of the nearest pervert who demands he uses his noble appendages for dirty deeds.



Against mage opponents, Kyra is certainly well off. With her own bevy of spells and the notorious magical resilience only an accomplished Esper could achieve, she can match up to any fancy magical tricks thrown her way and up the ante. And the bizarre shellfish Domingo isn't up to the challenge: while his Freeze spells certainly hurt, Kyra's Medice can patch up any bruises they'll inflict, and he lacks the resources to keep the icy hails coming. His only other hope, the Desoul spell, has horrible accuracy and has to break through Kyra's mental strength to boot. Then, Kyra will bust out her own repertoire of Nagras and Tandles, with her resource pool barely fazed. And most definitely tentacle-free, as all fights should be.

"... And that will save both of us from the perverts interfering in our match. What do you say?" asked Kyra expectantly.

It was a painful solution, but Domingo agreed to it. After all, a tentacle-less tentacle monster probably wouldn't trigger any interest from the pervert squad. Plus, he had his own gentleman reputation to respect, after all.

"That may sting a little..." said Kyra as she took out a slicer and started chopping Domingo's tentacles one after the other...


As hoped, no perverts came to their match. However, Domingo unfortunately learned that his hovering capabilities were seriously diminished without tentacles, and that casting his spells was impossible. Still, he lost as a gentleman, isn't that worth more to the ego than a victory when you are a tentacle monster?

Domingo: 16
Kyra Tierny: 28