Season 51, Week 3
(Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter)
Deamoned and Lezard may both be villains, but personality-wise they are as different as night and day. Where Lezard is deranged, Deamoned is cool and collected. That will surely help him in what’s sure to be a bloody match…for someone that is. The Regents’ ability to pump out large amounts of damage should put some heavy pressure on Lezard, and his Absolute Defense should mean that the less than damaging Valkyrie-worshipper might have issues damaging the powerful and sturdy Regent. Deamoned isn’t going to let some weak nerd with a mewling crush for an unattainable beauty stop his return to Godlike! After all, courtly love is dead nowadays - compose yourself, at the very least, you wimp!



The gloves are off this week. Lezard piddled and played with Ryu the first. Deamoned requires he embraces the true horror of his Anarchic Entity form and all the powers. It's the power of Lezard's barrier against absolute defense, great magic against Deamoned's dragon killing combo attacks. The utter insanity of Lezard's love fuels him. He has just three more wins to go until he can be reunited with his love Lenneth in Godlike, after he was ejected from the division all those seasons ago. That love gives him a slight edge. Each spell, each rant, each effort gets him that much closer to his grand ideal, his cruel lover. Let's see if this Regent can fare better against another foe who wields the power of creation!

"I am Deamoned." Deamoned intoned.


*Twenty-eight hours ago.*

"Wait, you will?" Lezard asked, stunned.

He'd never expected his opponent would agree to face his full power. Those foolish judges had always called it a plot power. Crystals were too good. Foolish.

"Oh, certainly. After all, it's only fair. But on one condition. There's a certain something I've always wanted to try." Deamoned smiled, a frightening sight on his scarred face. "A certain...thing I wish to borrow from another dueller."

"Certainly, certainly, whatever you wish." Lezard chuckled inwardly. The fool couldn't possibly find anything even remotely legal to use anywhere that could defeat him. No equipment, no spell this fool could use, could possibly beat him!


"The sword that smites stalkers!" Deamoned roared, as his massive mecha blasted towards Lezard Valeth.

"...right...not ranked...people..." Lezard mumbled, staring upwards at Thrudgelmir's five-story-long blade, just before it bisected both him and his crystal simultaniously.

Fou-Lu, staring from the judges box, shook his head.

"I'd said it before they even started it, but I shalt say it again. This is silly. Even by this place's standards." He added simply.

Deamoned: 21
Lezard Valeth: 18