Season 1, Week 3
Marle (Nadia Guardia)
(Chrono Trigger)
The strong-willed Princess of Guardia is one of those whose strength is known mostly because they are so lacking in it. However, this is one of the few matches where ever her pathetic strength will see her victorious in a straight out slugfest. Really, with the exception of the notoriously unreliable Blinking Rune, there is no way Marle can lose this match.



Let's face it, in any Middle and most Light matches, Viki is hopelessly outnumbered in almost any way you want to look at it. In a physical fight she has a simple staff and little to no upper body strength with which to swing it. In a magical contest she has but a single spell that deals damage, and it doesn't do much at that. As for a battle of wits, her only hope would be that her foe would forfeit the match rather than face an unarmed adversary. However, she does have one skill which can see her to victory. Her rune. With her S in Blinking Magic, and her trademark Blinking Rune, Viki's only hope of victory is to teleport her enemy away for a ringout. Will she be able to hit Marle with it? And will it actually hit Marle?
Assuming the Blinking Rune has a 50/50 shot of winning or losing a match, and it was used to win Viki last week's, you would think that her luck will fail this week.

And you'd be right.

Marle (Nadia Guardia): 17
Viki: 3
Marle started aiming her crossbow as soon as the round began. After all, though she may be a princess, she also made sure to do anything well if it was worth doing at all, and had thusly researched Viki's strengths and weaknesses. And because of that, she knew that most of Viki's matches ended when she blinked, sending one of the two fighters somewhere... unpleasent. Usually several hundred feet in the air, though there was that one time Dias had been sent to the Bishounen Appreciation Society... And far too often the person who went missing wasn't Viki. And since Marle didn't want to go who knows where and possibly have to be rescued like your average dead weight princess, again, she took careful aim so as to end it in a shot. Finally, she had her shot and loosed her bolt at the vacantly staring Blink Magess. The two women watched the bolt as it flew true, aimed between Viki's rather large eyes. But, just before it hit, Viki blinked. Shocked, Marle quickly made sure she hadn't gone anywhere. Then a rising tide of elation was quelled as she realised that Viki was still there too. Puzzled, Marle set about figuring what had been teleported, and quickly realised that it was her bolt that was gone. Somewhat annoyed, she lined up another shot. 'After all,' she thought, 'what's the odds Viki will get that lucky again?'
'Damnit! Well she can't get that lucky AGAIN!' Marle seethed to herself an hour later, after Viki had succesfully blinked every single one of her bolts out of their flightpath. Greatly agitated, the princess of Guardia reached for another bolt to try and pierce the annoying Blink Magess with, only to find that, for the first time ever, she was out. She had used up all of her crossbow bolts, and hadn't even a clue of what had happened to them. Even more agitated now, she took a step forward, determined to simply bludgeon her foe to death with her crossbow. Before she took two steps though, something slammed into the dirt infront of her. Looking down, she saw that what had narrowly avoided her was her own crossbow bolt. Looking up, she saw a veritable cloud of them, and that cloud was decending, with there being no cover in the stadium at all. Needless to say, neither of them survived that deadly rain, but with her healing and greater luck, Marle managed to survive longer for the win.