Season 50, Week 4
(Lunar Series)
It's good to be the king. In spite of a few problems outside the arena, Ghaleon is the unquestioned king of the DL. A whopping thirty-three wins is obscene, and serves as a reflection of how almighty the Magic Emperor truly is. This upstart from Auldrant is powerful, and does wield the usual megalomania and deadly attacks that are so common in the division. The problem? All the hot air from Van and his followers tries to mask one thing: Van is a limit boss, which gives Ghaleon plenty of time to set up his defenses. There hasn't been a fighter, ranked or bred, who can give Ghaleon that kind of time without losing horribly. The fate that awaits Van as soon as this fight commences is clear.



Ghaleon is, bar none, the most successful DL Godlike around! Five titles! Over thirty wins! A staggering record, made even scarier by the fact that it's backed by Ghaleon's extreme ruthlessness. He will be a worthy test for General Grants's skills, to be sure. Several forms and plenty of staying power gives him options against the Magic Emperor, along with a notable advantage in speed. Mystic Artes are just the thing to shred Ghaleon's Chaos Shield, along with Van's normal physical attacks and spells. Celestial Elegy is going to be put to good use here; the eloquent title captures the grim future Ghaleon faces after staring down an endless wave of Van's devastating, fonic backed attacks.

Van was prepared, fully.

He'd shed his pride, and was willing to do whatever it took to win this battle.

Legs and bikini-line waxed, beard removed(only after being assured by healers it could, indeed, be healed back), he strode into the arena majestic in a one-piece bikini.

Ghaleon took one look and blasted him in the face with Hell Wave.


"...I can't believe he actually fell for that." Anise noted, as she watched an enraged Ghaleon beat Van's corpse farther into the dirt.

"You mean outside of the forged documents and the Godlike you bribed to come with you and back your story up?" Guy asked.

"Well...yeah, but it's me here. I thought he was better than that." Anise sighed. "Oh well, time to collect on a bet~"

"Man. Some day I'm going to have to talk to some people around here. There has to be some way to get her sealed off, for the good of humanity." Guy sighed.

Ghaleon: 39
Vandesdelca Musto Fende: 7

Go away, Ghaleon. We don't love you anymore.
(He'll still win the match, though.)