Season 50, Week 3
(Suikoden II)
A flicker of flame and the noble King of Obel is no more. A brief flash of fire, and the seer from Serge's world will be cinders wafting on the wind. Miki has no prayer against the domination that is the Rage Rune. Her minor resistance to fire is just that, minor. Not enough to slow Camus, a man who once rebelled against his leader and lord just to fight against Luca's madmen. A man, who while young, has carried the weight and hopes of an entire knighthood and kingdom on his shoulders just by doing what was right. A flicker and a tap of his right hand, and then nothing but darkness for poor Miki.



My my my! A battle between one who controls the power of flame and one who has such an ability innate. What a fiery-hot battle this will turn out to be. While one may be concerned that Miki is at a disadvantage in this particularly steaming battle, that is simply not the case. Miki has the burning passion to defeat her opponent and her clairvoyance has allowed her to see Camus' weakness, he has no confusion protection. While it certainly may not be a cool thing to take advantage of a weakness in your opponent, sometimes things simply must be done to have a raging good time.

The brilliant blaze.

The beautiful dance.

The cheering crowd.

Oh, sure, Camus didn't have to serve as Miki's pyrotechnics in exchange for her throwing the match. It was probably a lot more trouble, even.

But hey, it was the nice thing to do. Chivalry is important.

Also, he got to set Nikki on fire. That's important too.

Camus: 43
Miki: 14