Season 50, Week 2
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
As a fortress made human...or whatever it is the Wiseman are, anyways (even they aren't quite clear on that point)...Berle is quite the difficult man to take down. His high natural defense, elemental resistance and constitution would make many fighters do a double take; add in the invincibility move MetaGuard and very few can hope to outlast Berle. The Wiseman may not be the most damaging of Godlikes, but with his excellent staying power, he has a good chance of running Terra out of MP and maybe even mystic energy, leaving her bereft of damage and healing before his mighty Meta Cancellation spells her doom. And since Terra isn’t exactly the soul of speed, Berle’s rapid sword slashes should be able to run rings around the half-Esper, making it even harder for her to keep up.



Terra knows a little something about stalling matches. The half-Esper is renowned for her achievements in the field, her Drain spell the bane of many a Godlike who thought that killer damage was all they needed to rack up wins. Berle, for his part, is no slouch either. MetaGuard gives him complete protection from attacks for brief periods. Indeed, he even immunes draining attacks, shutting down Terra's most famous asset before the match begins. Unfortunately for Berle, Terra's still a tough customer, with astounding defensive capabilities and the Cure 2 spell to let her easily wait out MetaGuard and blast the Wiseman when his defenses are down. It's a nice try, but Terra isn't going to let her dominance of the stalling match be questioned by a two-bit crony to a genocidal prettyboy.

"...ok, I can understand what's happening here, but can someone explain one thing to me?" said Bartz, puzzled as he watched the fight.

"What is it?" responded Squall.

"Why are they fighting in this style?" said Bartz

"In what style?"

"I mean, like an Action RPG!"

"Well, from what I gather, Berle thought he'd have the leg up, being from one himself, and didn't think that a minor fighting game appearance would do much good for his opponent." Zidane responded

"And Berle somehow completely didn't factor in that Terra, like the rest of us, can stay aireborne as long as she wants using Air Dodging, while he's always suck on the ground" followed up Cloud

"Well, at least its an easy win, but don't opponents do their homework before fighting?" Onion Knight pondered.

"You'd be surprised how many obvious factors duelists overlook. Though, I will admit it makes this place less dull at times..." Squall said, as the rest of the Cosmos Heroes watched their only female member slowly defeat her robotic opponent...without ever once touching the ground.

Berle: 10
Terra Branford: 44

DragonKnight Zero
"If you attack me, your precious shortcake will be destroyed. Surrender and you may have it back whelp" Berle taunted his opponent. He was confused about the unphased reaction from Rena (just as he'd been confused that she'd dyed her hair green and worn it longer). The incoming Ultima blast cleared up the confusion - by knocking him unconscious.

If only Berle had read the match printout more closely. Rena Lanford and Tina Branford have similar sounding names but the two aren't all that alike, especially when it comes to fighting ability. Maybe he's dyslexic. He's not telling though Cyril insists he is. Cyril also spreads rumors that Indelacio plays with My Little Pony so it's hard to say if he's truthful.

Berle may have caught a small break. Claude and Rena are on the hunt for whoever stole her shortcake stash. They have to find him before they can beat him down and Ultima atomized him into component parts too small to attack.