Season 50, Week 1
(Lunar Series)
Fresh from yet another championship, Ghaleon is ready to show another upstart batch of pretenders why the Magic Emperor is the most feared duelist in the league, period. And just his luck, his first match is against a creation goddess. Not only will defeating her make a statement to the rest of these idiots, but subjugating a goddess is one of Ghaleon's favorite pastimes! And without any meddling from any pesky hero types, the Magic Emperor is sure to have his way with her. Even if she does resist, it's not like there's much she can do with his impenetrable Chaos Shield, or to defend against his Fate Storm, which should end the match in a single blow.



It has not, in fact, been a long time since Lenneth Valkyrie has exercised her powers in Godlike. And this time, she's ready to prove that no amount of destruction can overcome the powers of creation she wields. And as her foe Ghaleon can most likely withstand even the raw might of the Glance Reviver and Lenneth's Nibelung Valesti, her full creative energies will have to see her through. Her inexhaustible ability to heal herself, coupled with stamina and armor befitting a goddess, should serve her well in a protracted battle against the Magic Emperor, where despite his offensive might his sluglike slowness will allow Lenneth to heal away any damage he does.

Chisa Mikami
Due to the fact that the judges assigned to the Ghaleon vs. Lenneth match were Gepetto, Peppita, and Edward, the form the contest would take wasn't really in doubt.

Yes, the infinite goddess of creation and the feared Magic Emperor had to put on their best vaudeville act.

Lenneth decided to do a tribute to the Three Stooges with her einherjar, and while the physical comedy part worked very well, they were really unsuited to their lines. Arngrim is almost the last person you want making the famous "nyuck, nyuck, nyuck."
Ghaleon, of course, stuck to his guns, and decided to play some music. It was a pretty good performance, and he felt his victory assured. Then a old-style wooden hook crept up and yanked him through a rift in space-time.

The judges appreciated the throwback, but still called it interference, and awarded the match to Ghaleon by default.

At this point, quite a few different things happened.
Lenneth pointed her Glance Reviver at the rift and did her defiler of souls speech, and got laughed at.
The judges asked if Ghaleon would be back in time for the next match, and when responded to in the affirmative, they marked it official and went about their business.
Zidane tried to rush into the arena but got clotheslined by Red, who was working security, and recieved his daily beatdown.
The entire Wild Arms and Star Ocean contingent slowly crept towards the exits.
Both Edge and Delita grinned broadly, and immediately began plotting.
And TimeLord, back in his domain, merely sat back and called up TimeRecord.

When Ghaleon came to, he was lying in what appeared to be a dungeon dressed in his Magical Girl outfit, and a nigh-emotionless voice was saying, "So, her new personal entertainer has arrived. I hope this one lasts longer than the others."
Ghaleon quickly sized up his situation and prepared for the duel of his life, but what came was much, much worse.
She was an MGG fangirl.

TimeLord had had to call in a ton of favors, but after all, this is Season Fifty. Did anyone really NOT think he'd celebrate this momentous anniversary by streaming live Ghaleon humiliation? Plus, "My Personal Ghaleon" makes a perfect addition to the toy line!

Ghaleon: 39
Lenneth Valkyrie: 20