Season 48, Week 4
Zeal, Queen
(Chrono Trigger)
This match is a lesson on beating a healer a la Queen Zeal. HP-1, then poke before they can heal again. Insert plenty of insane laughter. Simple, no? Princess Alicia's resources may be essentially limitless, but that's not a problem: Queen Zeal's fast and has Hallation once she hits half HP. What's going to stop her from getting those turns at low life? Alicia's fearsome sword swings? Ooooh yes, we're all running for the hills in terror. Zeal will have plenty of time to slam in a Hallation and a Hexagon Mist before Alicia can heal again. Too bad for the good girl little princess, really - she's picking a fight with the highest degree of royalty, and that'll painfully teach her the limitless powers that Queendom (and Lavos's blessings) can bestow upon its hallowed bearers.



After dealing with a bunch of nonsensical runts, princess Alicia is dropped into a royalty skirmish in the semifinals. Schizophrenic princess against mad queen, in a truly strange match. However, Alicia's resolve will pull her through against the ruler of Zeal: the lunatic queen, while holding a speed edge, is a terrible slugfester, and her prime trick for dealing with healers, MP Buster, is useless: Alicia's Heal requires no MP to cast, and Hallation is pointless against someone who can heal and attack on the same turn. And, even under the threat of doubles, Alicia can certainly blow past Zeal's questionable durability before a doubleturn occurs. While unintuitive, a princess beating a queen will be the certain outcome of this fight, and Alicia will head to the finals for the first time.

Clear Tranquil
Alicia is a beautiful young woman with another beautiful woman inside her. Whaaat? Anyway she's a central figureof her game's plot, a Royal Princess of Dipan, her nation being mighty enough to stand up to the might of the gods, she has goddessly powers ... Zeal is just another typicial rar I eat babies villain (ess)

Young vibrant up and coming princess vs butt ugly well past her sell by date queen Yep this'll end well.

Zeal, Queen: 14
Alicia: 32