Season 48, Week 2
(Suikoden IV)
The Soul Eater. It makes no distinction of its victim's age, history, guilt, innocence, political affiliation, or gender. It just kills you. In Ted's capable hand, it does this by putting out so much damage the likes of Fou-Lu and Myria are taken aback. This week, Violetta gets a taste of true power, as the Soul Eater's original bearer turns his gaze on her. One shot of Judgement will be the end of this henchwoman, and there isn't anything she can do to stop its might from being exerted upon her rather frail frame. Ted's time to prove his status as a contending Godlike has come, and that means Violetta is in for one Hell of a bad time.



Her scythe strong enough to cut through steel, her speed enough to outrace the wind, Violetta is a fearsome foe for any Godlike to face. Of course, her undurable opponent should be quite fearful. The insane scythe wielder will be able to barrage poor Ted with powerful physicals attacks at nearly double average speed. Even if Ted can live through one Death of Dance-Freeshooter chain, the cancel effect may mean that the relatively slow (compared to Violetta at least!) Ted is going eat another chain before he can even make an attack. And given the darkness in her soul, Violetta isn’t afraid to face the Soul Eater one bit.

All True Runes have a will.

A mind of their own, if you will.

All True Rune bearers try to forget this, to live their lives normally.

But sometimes?

Sometimes, it just bites them in the ass.


Violetta was confused.

Ted had frantically raised his hand to the sky, over and over.

But nothing had happened.

What could have gone wrong? Was he stupid enough to not rest before this battle, and run out of magic points?

Ted, later, would wonder the same thing.

The Soul Eater, however, would be content in it's victory.

It had refused to kill a hot woman with a big scythe.

That's all it really cared about.

What? You thought it was a deep, dramatic rune? Pfft, don't judge people because of their eating habits.

Ted: 14
Violetta: 20