Season 48, Week 1
(Suikoden Series)
Huh? Is this the arena again? It looks like Viki's teleported herself straight from one problem into another again (and really, it's best not to ask what she was teleporting away from this time), but at least she knows how fight her way out of any match against a PC, so this is definitely a better place to be! Well, not as good as landing at a lush dinner room, but oh well. Aigis is a big scary combat machine, quite literally, but she doesn't have a ghost of a chance of stopping Viki's trademark Blinking Rune from just sending her on an unplanned vacation to who knows where! Aaaaaachooooooo! *WARP*



Aigis, the robot with a heart, will surely need to turn it back off to get past Viki. After all, a klutzy and innocent little girl is hardly a menace when one is constantly facing down Shadows, and she's weirdly adorable. Of course, when push comes to shove, Aigis should have little issue coming out with guns and blazes. Orgia Mode, which doubles all of Aigis' damage, will be especially potent here. Paired with her potent physical techs, it should be more than enough to knock out Viki's only dangerous form, which is both incredibly frail and slow, avoiding the Blinker's instant death in a flash.

Starphoenix das Helpoemer

That is all for now.

*Goes back to his dark cave to play Persona 4*

Viki: 5
Aigis: 38