Season 47, Week 5
(Suikoden II)
A familiar face! Georg has been a star of destiny under both Riou and Freyjadour, but that won’t stop Riou from using his full force. After all, having been well acquinted with what Georg can do, our silent hero has little to fear. Neither of Georg’s forms can get Holy resistance, and in Suikoden 5 he’s even marginally weak to the element, ensuring that Forgiver Sign will be able to unleash the full effect of its wrath and rip the swordsman apart with ease. Riou even has excellent speed and evasion, making it hard for Georg to outpace or even hit him if it comes to that, making this one True Rune user Georg is ill equipped to take on.



At what point does the hero surpass his older mentor? Georg isn't sure, but he'll find out in a hurry against Riou. While he isn't as close to the winner of the Dunan Unification wars as he is to Prince Freyjadour, the two still have a bond from their shared adventures. Riou's noble, unlike the arrogant Squall or the detestable Nicholai, and will push Georg to the limit and beyond with Forgiver Sign. That's all the young man possesses, though - if Georg can somehow withstand the powerful magical assault or score a lucky critical before the hero moves, he'll secure a Heavy title, something else to add to his already legendary resume.

Georg has killed one True Rune user, whats to stop him from killing another?

A Forgiver Sign to the face. That's what. You're good Georg, but Riou is going back to Godlike and anything that gets in his way is getting a taste of what a True Rune is really capable of in the right hands.

Riou: 43
Georg Prime: 8

Yeah, Georg's pitiful M.Def going against Forgiver Sign. THAT'S going to end well.

At least Riou should be going back up to Godlike...

Riou >>>

As at the very least, he should actually be here this week.