Season 47, Week 4
Georg Prime
(Suikoden Series)
The deadly executioner has blinded many in ages past with his promises of power and dominion. However, he will find Georg Prime a hard target to overcome. The siren's song offered by Grahf will fall on deaf ears: already blessed with great power and equally strong senses of responsibility and wisdom, the Queen's Knight won't be moved by the reaper's chicanery. Thus, this fight will be resolved in the field where Georg excels: battle. With his superior speed, durability and swordplay, Georg Prime will overcome Grahf in an elegant, deadly clash, proving that his resolve as a loyal retainer to Falena can never be overcome!



The Seeker of Power, traveling throughout the ages to find the most powerful warriors, is surely salivating at the thought of his next opponent. After all, Georg is a powerhouse, speedy, damaging, and evasive...just imagine what he could become if he gave into the desire for power. Of course, despite all that, Grahf doesn’t fear him. The Seeker is, after all, the master of power, with superhuman training designed to combat powerful warriors such as Georg. His excellent accuracy will laugh at Georg’s evade and his magic damage will blister the Queen Knight’s skin. With his excellent vitality, Grahf will surely claim yet another life this day.

What does the Seeker of Power has that could tempt Georg? Riches? Power? HA. Georg's already one of the best swordfighters in his universe, only eclipsed by Luca Blight and possibly Ferid Falenas. What need does Georg have for money? His adventures across his world has given him all the material things he needs, including a rather sharp sword used to end countless evildoers.

Grahf may be able to take down gears with his bare hands, but taking down Georg Prime in a fair fight? Not happening.

Georg Prime: 29
Grahf: 17