Season 47, Week 4
(Suikoden II)
With his middling damage and excellent speed, Crono's best chance of a win is to fight people who can’t quickly kill him. Too bad for him that Riou has a Holy nuke that the will make Crono whimper in pain; at least, he’d whimper if he could talk, and wasn't reduced to a fine powder by the first hit. With no status at his disposal, Crono has one measly turn to disable Riou, which is quite an unlikely gambit. Not even his 20% Holy resistance will deter the almighty power that is Forgiver Sign. And should Crono manage to withstand a shot of the Sign, Riou will be fully healed, no closer to losing than he was when the battle began, and Crono will still be on death’s door. Last silent laugh to Riou!



Crono's victory over Nei's evil half may be a bit of an upset, but it's nothing too shocking. Guardia's hero is as fast as tropical sunset, striking before most people can so much as notice they're in a fight. He'll need every drop of that speed to take out Riou in time today, though. Forgiver Sign's as powerful as any attack in Godlike - the only drawback being that the worse Riou is hurt, the less damage it does. A quick blast of Luminaire should knock Forgiver Sign down to earth a bit - enough to give Crono's fighting spirit a chance to withstand the blow. If he can, it's just a matter of mopping up before Riou can. A tough battle? Of course, but the slayer of Lavos knows no other kind.

Just what the hell is Riou doing in heavy anyways. You can hype Crono's minor holy res[debatable as it is] all you want, Forgiver Sign just does too much damage.

Riou: 40
Crono: 10