Season 46, Week 3
(Arc the Lad Collection)
The fires in his soul are begging to be unleashed, and Elc has found the perfect target. Of course, being a snake, Deis may not normally mind a bit of heat, but she probably won’t be happy to face the skin-charring flames of the mystic Pyromancer. While Deis’s Death spell might scare many PCs, Elc’s excellent constitution should help him ward it off for as long as it takes to roast Deis...and, of course, Invincible doesn’t hurt either. And thanks to Brave Wings, he’s both speedy and magically durable. Deis may have some magic defense to lessen Elc’s own attacks, but Mind Buster and Divide both have defense-ignoring bases, and if she dares to use Shed, Elc’s strong physicals will get even more potent.



After crushing a giant metallic wardrobe, the elegant serpent magician Deis finally gets some eyecandy for her troubles. Granted, Elc is a bit rowdy and could stand to wear something more elegant than those rags, but he's just fresh and and cute enough to make her consider waking up from slumber. Regardless, felling him shouldn't be hard: a shot of Death with Deis's breakneck speed should end things in a flash, and Elc can't really hope to outpace her. If she decides to humor him and play a stalling game, Shed's infinite healing won't hurt, and her magic defense mocks Elc's Divide and Mind Buster to boot. With such advantages in tow, Deis will soon have another addition to her healthy harem. Hmmmhm.

Elc came into battle prepared. He had his Bravery Wings and Magic Canceller firmly equipped, his weapon at the ready, and his mind focused. He was here to win. He came in with his A game, and he wasn't leaving without a victory.

Deis came in topless.

Unfortunately for Elc, the three seconds it took him to stop staring at Deis's chest and get his mind back in the game was all the time it took her to cast Death, which put him straight out of the game in one fell swoop.

It wasn't entirely a loss though. When he came to, he found that Deis had left him a card with her phone number on it. The real problem was trying to decide whether or not to call...

Elc: 16
Deis: 22