Season 46, Week 2
(Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories)
A vampire lord? As the overlord of overlords, do you think a puny lord of a single race that can’t even go into the sunlight scares Zenon? Of course not; such a thought is quite frankly absolutely absurd to entertain. Brahms may have powerful physical attacks, but Zenon is no wilting flower to drop at the stiff breeze that'll result. With his excellent HP and defenses, he can take quite a beating and keep fighting until the brutal, bitter end. Of course, his key to a simplistic victory here will be his Giga spells, which will tear through the magic weak Brahms quite rapidly and remorselessly. Zenon has his sight focused on getting to the finals, and won’t be stopped by anyone.



The bloodstained claws may sell Brahms as a mindless brute, but the appearances couldn't be farther from the truth he keeps within; Brahms sharpens his mighty muscles and his earth-shearing talons for a higher cause. This... Zenon fellow, using his power to spread terror everywhere? This monstrosity must be stopped, and Brahms has just the might needed to do so. With his deadly strength and the ever frightening threat of a Bloody Curse at the right time, he will rip this horrible demon to shreds, and allow for the freedom of humans in the Duelling League as well. Come with all you've got, you foolish overlord! The Lord of the Undead can withstand all you can bring!

A glistening rhomboid.

A spiraling nonagon.

Two shapes destined to battle it out for all eternity.


"And this is why we never let Belial judge things. She just doesn't think the same way as the rest of us." Orlandu noted, as Belial happily cheered for the rhomboid that shone so prettily, which represented Zenon.

People with extra-dimensional views get kinda weird. Caina appreciated the rhomboid's stunning grace as he won for Zenon, winning in only a way that only a tiny of the crowd could really understand... but not many others appreciated it, that's certain.

Although Sten was one. You'd be amazed how drunk you can get when you don't get to glomp any girls for a while, if you're Sten. He kept calling for the nonagon to take it all off.

Zenon: 21
Brahms: 17