DL Robot War

Xenogears was once the pinnacle of mech-based combat, unmatched in speed and power. The Contact's gear was strong enough to rip Deus to shreds and give God himself the pummeling of a lifetime. Wyvern? Ha. Not even robot specialists from other worlds could match it- just ask what's left of the Infernal after Darril Traubel challenged Chang Wufei to combat on a dare.

Of course, the key word in all that is "once." Now, the swarm of talented supermechs from the Super Robot Wars multiverse seems to have left Xenogears in it's dust. AI1? Neo Granzon? While Wufei's powers are beyond belief, even Xenogears's divine blows pale besides such mechs. But as proven time and time again, you don't have to take down the toughest SOB to get respect in the Duelling League, just take down an Alpha male and work from there. (And let your aggressive Id personality take over!)

Wufei's idiotic prattle about justice and lone wolf syndrome makes him the perfect target. And if there's one thing that the Contact knows, it's how to hunt.

  • Xenogears crushes Gundam Altron
  • Wufei shows Fei what fighting for justice is really about

Jo\'ou Ranbu
Ahahahahaha Wufei winning anything but dressing contests with Vindel.

Fei: 27
Wufei: 2