Season 5, Week 3
(Lunar Series)
After cleaning his boots with the Minerva of Celes, Ghaleon has moved on to another Final Fantasy female. Much like Celes, Fujin is a formidable mage with Meteor, Haste, Curaga and similar high level magicks. Ghaleon will need to weather her storm of attacks and exploit her low endurance to win, and a few shots of his Energy Sword or Hell Wave should do just that. If all goes well, this will be merely another small speedbump on the Magic Emperor's path to the title gold.



Fujin managed to Sai her way past Chris Lightfellow last week, but she'll have no such luck against Magic Emperor Ghaleon. What she does have her is her high speed, which can be boosted with haste. With Haste in play, Fujin will have a easy double turn each round. Her powerful Meteor spell can smash down Ghaleon's Chaos Shield, and her healing magic gives her far more staying power than her frail build would indicate.
Fujin's not in a good situation whenever she fights a non-PC opponent. In terms of durability, Ghaleon outclasses Fujin by a long way, and Chaos Shield can stop the brunt of her worst attacks (Meteor in this case). All he has to do is sit back with the CS/HW combo and simply overpower her to a victory.

Ghaleon: 21
Fujin: 6

Fujin is too busy staring at Ghaleon's atrocious haircut to even think about fighting. Ghaleon may defeat Fujin here, but he's still the laughingstock of the RPGDL, with his gross haircut.

Fujin: RAGE!

Ghaleon: Time to DIE!

Fujin: *Gasp* *runs*

Moral of the Story: No matter HOW loud you yell something in text, it won't ever compare to the power of TRUE Voice Acting.

Comments:Ghaleon relies on two things to win his matches- Fate Storm, which kills most PC's, and Chaos shield, which shuts down most damage dealers. However, Fujin isn't a PC, so she nulls Fate Storm. Her haste spell means that she gets an easy double turn on Ghaleon, and her healing means that despite her bad staying power, she can outlast the Magic Emperor's barrage of attacks.