Season 45, Week 1
Marivel Armitage
(Wild Arms 2)
Marivel may not be a creature in line with the modern, conventional version of the vampire, but don’t let that fool you. Her supernatural strength and long life have given her powers that have let her skyrocket up the divisions. A normal vampire might be flummoxed at facing a nano-technology machine like Emeralda, but with her variety of arcane Blue magic style skills, Marivel should find just the perfect thing to shut the machine down. Whether it’s the instant death Guillotine, deadly accurate silence to shut the robot up, or mind-lulling sleep, Marivel has plenty of time to unleash her skills. After all, Emeralda may be fast, but her damage is quite middling; something that gives Marivel plenty of time to take the opposition down.



Emeralda Kasim is a rare breed. Though, technically speaking, she is an android, she is actually agile, immensely speedy, and an able spellcaster, unfased by elemental assaults unlike many of her brethren. These talents will serve her well against the Crimson Noble Marivel, a mage through and through. Marivel can do little to stave off a swift death from Emeralda's relentless Dark Beast attacks, so her only hope is a successful application of Guillotine. However, Emeralda's body is far hardier than that of any human, and thanks to her Mermaid Ring is particularly resistant to magic. Marivel's Hail Mary attack would need to be miraculous to strip Emeralda of her victory here, and her trip to the winner's circle is a very safe bet.

A vampire against a machinery construct?

Of course, Marivel was no ordinary vampire. Blood sucking is not her only skill!

Her arsenal of skills include A MIGHTY GUILLOTI-...


Wait, she's against someone that reforms parts of their body and can't have their head cut off as such?

....*Leafs through a page of skills.*

...Well, she's not an ordinary vampire.

Her useful skills consist of sucking blood and cutting off heads, and that's about it.

Sometimes, you just get walled.

Marivel Armitage: 20
Emeralda: 30