Season 45, Week 1
Kyra Tierny
(Phantasy Star 4)
There was a time when being an Esper got you respect. It made you special. Then eventually every sap and their transforming green-haired girlfriend could use magic. It was a long road for Kyra into Heavy, enjoying moderate success in the division. This season she faces Lazlo, sporting the elegantly named Rune of Punishment. Fortunately for Kyra, it just means Lazlo is something she is familiar with; an instant death slinging whore. Kyra doesn't eat people like that for breakfast, but she has at least had them over for breakfast. Kyra's high magic defense will be the key here, in addition to her stellar buffs and potent magic. It's high time to see if Kyra's learned a thing or two from her castmates about dealing with instant death. What better place than the Heavy arena, right?



Pity poor Lazlo. Cast out from his home, left as alone as a man can be. He then struggled back, and surrounded himself with the 108 Stars of Destiny. And for one brief, ever-so-shining moment in his life, he made something of himself in his world and his time. But this was before the stars disbanded, his name forgotten to history, and he came here to languish for thirty-five seasons, forgotten in the struggles and miseries of time. But, no more shall he be forgotten! With the power of the Rune of Punishment, he'll call upon the Voice of Death to easily fell this healing foe with a soul-stealing spell to rip away the enemy's life before moving on to the next step in claiming a championship, and a new name for himself! Indeed, this Star of Destiny shall carve away Heavy this season!

Kyra doesn't rely on instant death the way the rest of her castmates do, instead using defensive skills and healing to see her through. Her abilities scare even some of the true powerhouses of this field- all of whom rely on physicals, which Warla shuts down so well.

It's just her luck that she draws someone who is entirely reliant on Instant Death to win his fights. It's worse luck that the last thing she seese before collasping is his hideous shorts. Poor Kyra.

Kyra Tierny: 7
Lazlo: 35