Season 44, Week 2
(Suikoden Series)
How humiliating for the aspiring Dragon Knight! Downgraded into the lowest division of them all, only to have to wait nearly 40 seasons to fight again? Bah, the ignominity...Might as well make the best of it. He's fighting alone, but Futch can easily take care of himself without the aid of his dragons. His blade is a powerful tool, and, should he need it, his Lightning Rune will allow some good damage via Furious Blow. With both physical and magical prowess on his side, he'll take on anyone, including a certain fat frog prince. Granted, Jean does have a few tricks up his sleeve, but Futch just has to win before he can manage any of them! The fact remains; Dragon Knights are a force to be reckoned with, as will be proven again in the next round.



Sacre bleu! Is there any dueller that has worse luck than the frog prince Jean? Even False Althena got to the championship, so perhaps the winds of bad luck with change for our amphibious hero. After all, he does have the perfect weapon to be a terror in Light: near perfect accuracy instant death. Sure, he may not be particularly fast, but all he needs is one shot, and most of Light will fall beneath his magic. And since Futch can neither protect against instant death, nor take out Jean in one shot with his middling physical or sluggish Lightning magic, Jean will get that spell attempt off. In the rare case it misses, he’ll probably get a second attempt given Futch’s lack of combat prowess. This time, Jean will not be denied.

"DAMMIT BRIGHT!" The aggravated shout of the veteran Dragon Knight echoed though the arena, while the crowd couldn't seem to decide whether to laugh, cry or just shake thier heads in bemusement at the turn of events this match had taken.

For his part, the white dragon merely looked at his master quizzically, wondering what on earth the problem was.

Futch's opponent, the frog prince Jean, was too busy kicking, struggling and squirming in an attempt to get out of the dragon's mouth to politely explain to the confused creature what the problem might have been like he usually would.

He did eventually get out of Bright's mouth, of course. Unfortunately, it wasn't in the direction he would have preferred, but such is often the course when dragons get involved in matches here at the RPGDL.

Oh, the match? Futch forfeited by way of apology. Besides, he needed to focus on undoing some of the damage that had been done to Bright instead of fighting right now.

Who knew that using Queena's Pet-Sitting Services once a week could have such disastrous results?

Futch: 22
Jean: 40