Season 44, Week 2
The adventurer from Parm is deadly serious for once. Decus destroyed Feena, ending her chances at a Heavy title last season, burning her to ash. There will be no Mr. Nice Justin to someone who's done that! Feena's husband is better equipped to handle the furious power of an accursed Wiseman's offense - he's far tougher than Feena, and can also resist magic! Even better, Decus is slow and not at all tough. Normally Decus's resistance to every element besides ice would keep him afloat.. normally. As proven by his adventures with Rune over the years, Justin is far from normal, and can seemingly be prepared for every fight. We'll get to see if Decus can use his fancy magic after Justin cuts his heart out with Ice Slash!



Flames! Fire! BURN! No upgrade for the mighty fire master Decus? Well, Heavy shall just have to burn yet another time. These fools clearly have not learned the lessons of earlier seasons if they think they can stand against the fire. Justin may not be completely defenseless thanks to a bit of equipment-based fire resistance, but reducing the damage by a measly fifth isn’t going to stop Decus’ Explode from demolishing him, and the sluggish Justin will need at least two Ice Slashes to come close to killing - giving the Wise Man plenty of time to get his magic off. After all, Decus has already defeated Justin’s girlfriend, who also happens to be smarter and a better dueller; the moron boyfriend will surely follow suit.

Justin is an idiot. Idiots are drawn to fire. Decus is on fire.

I think you know where this one is going. It's too bad Justin isn't fireproof, but at least he can be healed. Eventually.

Justin: 20
Decus: 30