Season 5, Week 2
Magus (Janus Zeal)
(Chrono Trigger)
The Prince of Zeal can come into this match confident this week. His fun with barriers shuts down Dryst's most effective attacks, and Dryst's powered up physicals (which he can run out of) still won't be enough to breach them since, as it is well known, only the Masamune can do real damage to Magus while other weapons become Light-strength. Add in his Ice 2 spell, playing into Dryst's weakness. Besides, Magus' HP will be strong enough to keep him standing for a long time behind his defenses. This time, Magus is riding high in his abilities, and he knows that triumph is within his grasp. Now the time has come to exchange this match for victory.



Super Tyrant Dryst come swooping down on the RPGDL this week, against a tough foe in Magus. Dryst isn't without advantages here, though. His innate resistance to darkness means that Black Hole and Dark Matter will barely faze him, and his high HP allows him to ignore Magus's weaker spells. With Power doubling his already good physical attack, Dryst is set to crush Janus of Zeal with a few swipes of his Crimson Scythe.

Dryst defends against dark attacks. Good for Dryst.

Magus defends against anything he wants to. Good for Magus.

Dryst's physicals won't hurt Magus. Bad for Dryst.

Dryst's magic won't hurt Magus. Worse for Dryst.

Magus' magic and physicals will hurt Dryst. Even better for Magus.

Magus' HP is a lot higher than Dryst. Death for Dryst.

Magus (Janus Zeal): 13
Dryst: 1