Season 5, Week 2
(Lunar Series)
The Magic Emperor returns for his second time in the RPGDL. He brings to this fight his usual double-cast elemental magic, powerful physical attacks, and the dreaded Chaos Shield and Fate Storm attacks. Despite his variety, all he really needs will be the latter two against the former Imperial General Celes, his current opponent. Ghaleon's got very little to worry about, since there's little Celes can do to off him before it's her "time to die".



Celes's debut in Godlike is a rough one. She may have had what it took to cruise through Heavy, but Heavy and Godlike aren't the same thing. Celes can only hope that Ghaleon somehow messes up his famous "Time to Die" line, thus causing Fate Storm to fail miserably. And, somehow, she'll also have to hope that the effects of Fate Storm reverse, making it Ghaleon's time to die. And the chances of that happening are lower than Hrist's hit rate...

Celes, being a General of the Empire, thus having common sense of war to study your opponent before hand, read up on Ghaleon. She was reading how Ghaleon can Double Cast spells, has a strong physical, and a weak parasitic attack. None of those threatened her, especially when she read he was a total Slug. But then, she read up on the Chaos Shield. She felt this might be a bit of a problem, so she decided to think how to get through it...until she later realized her loss was inevitable when she read about Ghaleon's "Fate Storm"
"An Instant Death attac that never fails, AGAIN! But I just had to face Tir with that in the Upgrade pool to God Like. *Sigh* I guess I am destined to never get further than Heavy"

However, backing out a fight wasn't exactly honorable, so she decided to AT LEAST deal Ghaleon a blow so that she would win in SOME way.

Match started, Celes, instead of opening with some sort of Magic Spell, Charged Ghaleon, with her Sword in Hand, flipped over his back sided, and did something quite unexepected.

Ghaleon didn't feel a thing and asked "What was the point of that, young lady?"

"Oh, why don't you look in my Pocket Mirror" Celes handed it to Ghaleon

Ghaleon looked into it, *gasp* Celes had given him that ridiculous Hair Cut Mewt Had from Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced!

"Why little Brat! How dare you insult me, the Magic Emperor, in such manner!"
Ghaleon withdrew his Ghaleon Sword, and Impaled Celes with it, not yelling his infamous 3 words that drive people nuts. And walked out the fight disgusted.
CEles, while being Hospitalized, was smiling as while she DID lose the fight, she had, in a sense, won a war, as Ghaleon is stuck with that Accurrsed Hair Cut for the rest of the season...

Ghaleon: 25
Celes Chere: 1
option A. Celes uses runic which abosorbs Fate Storm and Ghaleon uses chaos shield... Celes uses a few spells since Ghaleon is slow. Ghaleon casts double FS and wins.
B. Celes runics Shield and dies to FS.
C. Celes casts a spell and loses to FS.

Cyril ((
Ghaleon, supremely confident as always and garbed for full battle - his customary purple spiked plate armor - stepped into the arena and glanced around.

Celes was nowhere in sight.

The Magic Emperor shrugged, not terribly concerned as the judge of the arena declared him the winner by default. He promptly teleported out, attending to his more important plans of world domination.


Meanwhile, on a busy street of Meribia, Royce had apparently acquired a new hobby. Rather than the boring old fortune teller guise, she now sold exquisitively crafted works of stone, which were never in short supply courtesy of her sister. The latest masterpiece sent by Xenobia was one magnificent depicting of a former Imperial Magitek General.

Dark Holy Elf
"Time to die!" called the Magic Emperor from across the arena, as he chanted his Fate Storm spell. Half the fans in the arena covered their eyes, knowing what was about to follow. The other half watched with fiendish glee, as the dark waves of the Fate Storm spell made their way to the Magitek Knight, waiting to claim their victim...

... and instead get absorbed. Celes wore a smirk as she held her runic blade aloft.

"My, my, my..." said the Magic Emperor. "You are truly impressive. I can see why you scored a serious victories in the so-called 'Heavy' division. That said..." he finished his doublecast, and the waves of Fate Storm flew again. "Godlike is, as they say, a whole different game, my dear."