Season 43, Week 5
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
The fiery Wiseman only needs to face one more before he can claim to a championship. And it would be the first Wiseman championship at that! That would show those so-called Godlikes Indalecio and Cyril. This lady Feena may get in her Time Gate combo before Decus can kill her, but she can’t really do anything to him beyond End of the World! Zap Whip? He nulls that. Flame Whip? He absorbs that! Burnflare? He even absorbs that. Feena can throw in puny Knife Hurls or some paltry physicals, but Decus has good defense. After that, a drained Feena, and her meager Fire resistance, facing a barely damaged Decus with destruction at his beck and call... an easy conclusion!



Time Gate! End of the World! Lots of whip beat downs! Healing! These are all the tools Feena, the girl who somehow managed to find some good qualities in Justin, needs to secure her title against Decus. And sure enough, she has them! No, it doesn't matter that Decus immunes Lightning. No, it doesn't matter that he may actually survive her trademark Time Gate combo, leaving her open to attack from then on. No, it doesn't matter that she's a simple PC and he's an end game boss here. Justin's faith is in her, and that's all she needs to win! Show me one example where this hasn't been enough to grant someone from Grandia a win! Well? Thought so! Game over, Decus!

Rule 1: Fire burns.

Rule 2: Bosses who use fire aren't going to be outburned by a PC.

Rule 3: Decus is a boss. Feena is a PC.

Rule 4: Feena barbeque, anyone?

Decus: 32
Feena: 18