Season 43, Week 5
(Shadow Hearts: From the New World)
The embodiment of mankind's most terrifying traits, dressed to kill under the guise of a silent gentlewoman, buckles down and faces the devious wrath of Loki, destroyer of Midgard and Asgard, the great trickster god. And how will Lady handle this threat? Not very differently from all the other corpses she charred on her way up: Loki's magic and armor may be something to be feared, but Lady's horrifying magic is bound to be as effective as it has been before - possibly even more. Although Loki's physical defense is nigh-unbreakable, his magical defenses are far from impressive, leaving him wide open to a bevy of Calamity Hexes and Malice Dirges. His own Indiscriminate castings won't be enough to stop Lady from getting an attack in, either. The outcome for Lady is clear, and a second Godlike belt shall be the final crown of this road of mayhem.



Who is this silent villianess standing before Loki? How can one be true evil without a magnificent evil laugh? Fantastic VA battle quotes? Does she know how wonderful power is?! Well, Loki will be sure to show her with the power of the Dragon Orb and his own decadent power at his side! Sure, Lady can rush out with a lot of damage, but that uses up all her stock. Loki can do similar damage every turn with no restrictions! And all of Lady’s physical hex moves will fall useless against Loki’s defense, cutting off several of her damage options. And the Dragon Orb, one of the world’s four great treasures, will be perfect mix of magic and mystery for biting through Lady’s puny little Umbral shield. This silent creature can not hope to stand in face of such consistent damage and defense, let alone in the face of such magnificent, demoralizing speeches.

A stunned gasp.

A slow, slumping to the ground.

Loki's hands convulsively clutching the Dragon Orb.

And then releasing it, as he slid into death...


"...I swear, I have to do this entirely too often. And this particular job? I have to do it again!? You people are horribly irresponsible." Lenneth muttered, as she made preparations.

"I keep trying to tell you, it's not my fault! I'm just one of the survivors!" Demi sighed.

"Well, the judges really shouldn't have let a force of pure and complete Malice-based destruction pick up the Dragon Orb." Lenneth sighed. "Or even be within a mile of it. Now I'm having to do the same job over again. What's next? Is Lezard going to ruin everyone's lives again?"

"No, that was just Zidane, I believe." Wren noted.

Lenneth ignored him, and continued her annoyed rant, as she prepared to reconstitute the Duelling League's world.



" Uh. I keep wondering." Killer began to Lady.

Lady tilted her head at him, curiously.

" know. Is it actually as fun as I think it is to destroy the world?" Killer asked, almost shyly.

Lady smiled.

"Damnit. You're a bad influence on me. Now I'm going to have to get my hands on that thing."


Fourty-three destructions of the local universe by various joy-riding villians later, Loki finally said to hell with it and bought a safe for the Dragon Orb.

The remarkable thing is that this didn't happen earlier, really.

Lenneth's taking a vacation. If she has to remake this universe one more time, she's going to scream.

Lady: 34
Loki: 14