Season 43, Week 1
(Breath of Fire II)
While Ryu may be quiet, he's no fool. His preparation for the fight wasn't pointless training or trying to think up a grand plan. He simply talked to two heroes who were familiar with Indalecio. Ryu the fourth gave him the basic intel: prepare for pain and a long fight. But a battle of endurance is just the thing Ryu does well. While his swordsmanship isn't on par with Claude or other masters of the blade, it's more than enough to wear down Indalecio before his deadly Time of Truth spell. Claude Kenni's advice was key, though: Indalecio's powers are limited by Filia, and his true powers can only be accessed after he's taken damage. Chip, measure, heal, and then BOOM. A long, grueling fight with a finish to blast past all of Indalecio's remaining dangerous spells was in order. Few in Godlike are better equipped for that than Ryu the second with a finishing blow like G. Dragon at his disposal.



Finally, the wisest of men, Indalecio, has returned to grace Godlike with his presence. After seeing an upstart like Lady win her championship so quickly last season, the fearsome Indalecio has decided that it is time at last for him to enter the hall of champions where one such as himself rightly belongs. His draconic foe may have a powerful attack in his well-touted G. Dragon, but he can only use it once. And with Indelecio's solid durability, even a G. Dragon attack may not fell the fearsome wiseman in a single shot, giving him plenty of time to work his most deadly spells against the average speed and durability of the half-dragon. Should Ryu try to infinitely chain Guts, it’s failure rate will eventually leave him open to Indalecio’s powerful barrage of Noahs, Explodes, and Earthquakes. And leaving yourself open to anything in the presence of a mage of Indalecio's caliber, is nothing less than suicidal.

Joou Ranbu
This should have been thrilling.

An angel-like Wiseman, capable of destroying entire planets, facing off a survivor from a legendary race of dragons - a race that could fell even omnipotent gods. Certainly the kind of fight Godlike strives for, and a showcase of the mightiest forces in the universe clashing.

However, in a rather rare mental hiccup, Ryu the Second went for the fight using his child form. After getting clumsily pelted with a stick a few times, Indalecio just grew bored and charred child Ryu into a crisp. Guess there wasn't a plot intervention to save him this time.

Ryu: 33
Indalecio: 34