Season 42, Week 5
Fu So Ya
(Final Fantasy IV)
Away, foul Dragoon. With Shana reduced to a quivering mass of tears and emoness ( the same as always), FuSoYa advances to the finals and faces something new. Something different. Something scary? Not really. The guardian of the people of the moon, master of Black and White Magic, and foe to Zemus for countless centuries is facing someone slower than him. One single use of Death should level Dinn, and he doesn't have to even take a hit. Wonderful. FuSoYa follows in the proud footsteps of Palom, Porom, and Yang, and brings honor to his cast.



Dinn, master fighter for the honor of Sable, strides forward again this week to face down one final opponent; a frail old wizard. Against the capable Dinn and his plethora of equipment options, all of Fu So Ya's potent magics will fall to nothing around him. Really, somewhat pathetic... a few swift blows should finish the poor man off, not even relenting enough to give him the time to heal away his wounds or try some duplicitous magic. For his comrades and his honor, Dinn shall stand victorious, and advance forward to the new challenges that await him!

Really, it couldn't get much less fair than this. FuSoYa, a master of ancient lore and magics was to pit it out against Dinn, a master of swords.

Truly, swords are fear inspiring. Truly, swords are powerful. Indeed, a single blow with Dinn's massive sword would easily bring the old Wizard down to his knees, wouldn't it?

But the impressiveness of Dinn's sword failed to deliver when Dinn had shrunk to the size of a midget, incapable of holding his dear weapon, much less swing it.

FuSoYa, deciding to end the match in a spectacular light show, decided to torrent down Meteor on his already Mini'd foe.

When mini Dinn saw the large Meteor heading for him, he decided to just screw it all and forfeited the match.

... This, however, did not stop Meteor.

Fu So Ya: 40
Dinn: 18