Season 42, Week 5
Sir Leopold
(Dragon Quest 8)
Lunchtime. Arc's a heroic morsel to finish off Leopold's tasty championship season. The heroic champion of good is as boring as you'd think, and completely unequipped to handle a demonic doggie. From Leopold's slicing physical attacks to his icy breath, he brings the pain with every double action he takes - and he'll get plenty of those with Arc's grinding style. While Leopold lacks the DQ trademark Wave of Ice to deal with Arc's buffs, his resistance to status and brutal critical hits should dispatch Arc effortlessly.



Arc has risen to the final battle of Heavy like a true hero! He has defeated all comers and only the last boss remains! A demonic dog fueled by Rhapthorne is that last boss; Sir Leopold will be a fearsome foe and a suitable climax to Arc's run. To beat him he'll rely on his tried and true powers: Weak Enemy, Invincible and good old sword play. Using these will send the fearsome canine packing and cement Arc's epic victory in Heavy...and perhaps his return to Godlike? Well, one thing at a time. He has a stray to put down first.

Dog bites man.

A cliche in journalism, one that shows the very base and common nature of a dog to be violent towards a human.

But Leopold was no ordinary dog.

Intelligent, powerful, capable of battling better than any human, he would never be reduced to something so ridiculously base as a battle tactic so undignified. He might rend his enemies to shreds, but not something as pathetic as simply chomping on them.

He was better than that.


Leopold stood at the arena entrance a moment.

He'd been a bit late. Forced to incinerate some PETA members that were campaigning for his staff to treat him better.

As he stood at the arena door, he realized it had been just as well.

As a sea of mud stretched out in the arena.

"Ooooh, he's so hot!" "C'mon, take a picture!" "Shake that thing, boy!"

Arc, covered in mud, struggled out of his armor-which was preventing him from moving-as the catcalls were heard from the crowd.

"..." Leopold stared at the arena a moment.

Then shrugged and flew the other way.

Some things aren't worth a championship to deal with. Mud wrestling Arc was one of them.


"..." Yuri stared blankly, as he watched Arc struggle out of his armor on the television, as announcers explained that a rain of mud had covered the arena several minutes ago. Sir Leopold hadn't been seen to make an appearance yet, and was considered a suspect in the vandalism.

"...Lexis. You didn't say the switch did all of those things at once, now." Yuri sighed.

"You didn't ask." Lexis shrugged.

Sir Leopold: 22
Arc Eda Ricolne: 23