Season 42, Week 1
Farah Oersted
(Tales of Eternia)
It's been a long time since both of these duelers have been in the DL. The similarity doesn't end there, either; Both are tanks, both have instant death attacks, and both are well known for their ability to punch things. But Farah has healing, which will turn the tide of this battle. As nasty as Drachma's various abilities are, he simply can't kill Farah in one blow, and Farah can heal away whatever he dishes out. His magic is useless, so he'll have to go for Hand of Fate, by which time Farah will have either used her own ID weapon to turn the tables on the infamous pilot, or simply build up to a Maximum Burst, which should finish off her already weakened contestant. It'll be a hard-fought battle, but there's no way Drachma can get the SP in time, and with no other tricks up his metal sleeve, it'll be Farah who stands victorious in this Heavy match!



The one-armed, one-eyed pirate Drachma is a ferocious guy, no matter how you look at it. Heck, the guy's been chasing a giant whale for years on a tiny boat. That's dedication, enough so that many other men would be intimidated by his sheer force of will. His next goal? Obtaining the Heavy championship. His trusty mechanical arm might seem terrifying and, well, truth be told, it is. Capable of doing massive amounts of damage with Tackle, as well as being able to entirely annihilate his enemy with one hit using Hand of Fate, what does Drachma have to fear from this girl? She might have an ID attack of her own, but to even think of her being able to use it before Drachma puts her out of commission is folly, and her fists won't do enough quickly enough to take him down. It's safe to say the old pirate has an easy win in front of him.

Drachma couldn't even hit a giant flying whale with a massive harpoon gun. How on earth would he be able to hit that flat-chested Farah? Sure, she might need many turns to take him down, but being an RPG female love interest who is miniscule in the only way RPG female love interests ever have any noticable size, Drachma will never even see her.

Farah Oersted: 22
Drachma: 18