Season 41, Week 1
Although the threat of FRUE DESTRUCTION chills the heart of most normal men, Gades' proud bluffing and utterly nonsensical talk will not confuse a nobleman of Barbarossa's pedigree. The Scarlet Moon ruler was bewitched by a very beautiful immortal evil, true, but Gades can't claim to be as alluring as a stray sick dog, let alone beautiful enough to match the enchantress Windy's chicanery. The fight between the Sinstral and the Emperor of the Scarlet Moon Empire will be a long one, but the Three-Headed Golden Hydra should be able to prevail by having the heads take the brunt of the hits the Sinistral incurs in the fight while firing magic and physicals alike at machinegun rates toward the despicable Gades. Surely sweet victory will emerge from the fearsome Hydra's fangs.



How pathetic. Another puny knight with a puny sword wants to clash with the Sinistral of Destruction? What a waste of time. Gades's high-octane offense is fueled by the power of his accursed Gades Sword, a weapon strong enough to cut entire countries in half. If that wasn't bad enough, Gades can increase the power of his attacks with Undead, granting him truly world-shaking might. The leader of the Scarlet Moon Empire? Well... he can certainly give a good speech! As if a mere Hydra will do anything to slow Gades down. He commands armies of them to guard his Fortress of Doom. Once this fool has been overwhelmed, it's onto the next challenge. Whoever that poor scrub may be, they'll at least fare better than this sad excuse of a warmup fight.

Two mighty titans.

A massive, golden dragon, the raw surging power of the Sovereign Rune, combating a very god.

There would be no quarter given, no lives spared, no regard for those in the audience, no mercy.

There would only be flames.


Posted 2/29/2008 3:14:47 PM
omg joo ****tard you don't no nothing lol

Posted 2/29/2008 4:06:23 PM
IO cegtryaisionly doi kn oiwlk tghingsd!@

Posted 2/29/2008 4:08:54 PM
lol ur'such an idiot and it takes you so long to type lol

Posted 2/29/2008 6:32:09 PM
THjhis maqtgcvhkl ioqws ritgl;lllded!~Q IJ cxnnnopt beliklervbe trhis!

Posted 2/29/2008 6:35:38 PM
roflmao j00 suxors!


"...Why do we let the Profound Darkness ever, ever refferee a match?" Nate Nanjo asked, in a combination of scream and groan. "I had buisiness meetings to attend today, and I was hoping to eat something as well."

"Well, people actually like her matches. For some reason." Beatrix shrugged. "It is different, I'll give it that."

"GWOOOOOOOOOOON!" "I don't get why Kyogre's up here, however." Beatrix finished.

"It's in the contract, actually. Everyone in Godlike will be a referee at some to be determined date." Nate shrugged. "They usually pick matches like this for it."

The Profound Darkness, from her judge's box next to Kyogre, simply smiled, as a maniacally laughing Gades occasionally typed flames-and far more often railed curses at-a giant, three-headed dragon that was desperately and very slowly attempting to flame him back.

Eventually, the match was decided in Gades' favor, for the simple reason that he was better at flaming; While Barbarossa's typing did get some points for idiocy, it was nothing compared to Gades' might on paper.

Profound Darkness, in celebration, dropped Kyogre on both of them.

And there was much rejoicing.

Barbarossa: 23
Gades: 34