Season 39, Week 3
Zidane Tribal
(Final Fantasy IX)
Zidane may have less than perfect skill - and some of the world's worst luck - in matters of the heart, but luckily, he’s finally starting to master the intricacies of the arena. As a genome created for war, Zidane’s innate fighting ability is off the charts, making him an exceptionally dangerous Middle. He’s already defeated a valiant princess, his typical weakness, so what chance does a robot have? Sure, Robo’s status immunity may stop many varieties of Zidane's deadly-accurate Soul Blade, but a blind spot in that "immunity" means the death-inflicting Doom technique may still have a chance. Coupled with Zidane’s speed and solid durability, he should have few issues unleashing the deadly tech and waiting for it to kick in.



Robo's victory in the first round of the season was not a big deal. He was programmed to win, after all, which means that this match will be no different. The name "Zidane" doesn't even register to Robo, as all he recognizes him as is 'target'. Robo's Vigil Hat will keep him safe from Zidane's status game, while his steel-reinforced offense of Uzi Punch and Shock will ultimately spell Zidane's doom. The fact Lucca will be in the audience cheering for Robo will only serve to further distract Zidane to boot, so his victory is almost assured. Don't let me be the only one telling you, though. In his own words- "Robo will flee, fly and fall, right on Zidane's temple hall" (Ok, thats the last time Lucca is letting Raja code Robo's speech patterns).

"Hey, watch where you put that sprocket!" "No no no no no, you need to hook that up to here, not to his cooling valve..." "Okay. Now, install the secondary core..." "Alright. Robo, you awake?"

Robo's eyes slowly glimmered on, as he looked at the horde of female scientists. "Systems functional. Running at 97%. Second core..."

"NONONONONO!" Lucca blurted. "Do not access secondary core!"

"Access permitted. Withdrawing request. Miss, what have you installed?"

"A bit of... ah, revenge on the perverts."

"It's a symbolic blow." Precis added, bouncing up and down on one foot. "Just activate the core once you've got Zidane on the ropes. We don't want you throwing the match because of us, okay?"

"Affirmative. What is the secondary core for?" Robo asked.

"It's.. a way for another program to manifest. It has strict limitations - we got Blair Lansfeld to ensure it can't overstep its bounds." Lucca assured Robo. "Your match is about to start. Go for it!"


Zidane panted, leaning on his right arm heavily as Robo slowly moved up to him. "Good match, Robo."

"Indeed. I am sorry, but I have a message from the League of Female Scientists." Robo said calmly.

"...that's never good." Zidane grumbled, as Robo opened his core. A melodious chime rang out, as voices rang out at the same time.

"We at the League of Female Scientists, Engineers and Mechanics would like to tell the perverts of the DL to have a nice day! Oh, and we'll cover your medical fees for this, Zidane. Sorry, but you're the scapemonkey here~"

Zidane simply sighed as Robo's core and eyes began glowing bright red. A booming voice came out of nowhere, slamming into the arena stands.



Zidane was healed almost immediately after Genocide Heart finished ravaging him, as the League almost felt embarrassed by how vicious the ensuing slaughter was. He also got a cookie.

Robo has a new toy! However, it doesn't plant forest. Thus, he discarded it for interstellar golf games online.

The League's gotten some renown for getting Genocide Heart inside a little container, and are now saving the core he's in for future use.

And the refs gave Robo the win.

All in all, it went well, considering.

Zidane Tribal: 32
Robo: 54